Our Responsibility in Keeping Your Data Safe

Our Responsibility in Keeping Your Data Safe

Touchpoint Group took the decision to seek accreditation to ISO27001, the most widely recognised information security standard, and is scheduled for accreditation in early 2020. 

Twice this past week I have been asked by organisations about benchmarking against competitors; various aspects of customer feedback and complaints due to the millions of records we hold on our servers. Yes, it is possible, however, we are custodians of the data and don’t own it. We respect that. Rather, we convert the data into a range of actionable insights, business trends, operational focuses & conduct risk etc. for our customers specific to their business.

Over the past two decades, Touchpoint Group has worked predominantly in retail banking and a variety of insurance, telecommunications and utilities sectors. It just so happens that these sectors have also become more regulated with the likes of GDPR as governments here in the UK, and more recently in Australia, have seen the need to redress the balance back towards the customer. 

Working with banks over this period has set the benchmark of data security high, however, the potential penalties under GDPR focuses the mind to ensure that every nook and cranny that may pose a risk is well covered off. I need to be able to sleep soundly at night with the confidence that the millions of records we are keepers of are secure.

All of this has brought into sharp focus for these sectors the regulatory cost of mis-selling, customer churn, customer price sensitivity, loyalty, challenges facing digital channels and why contact centres are still used in high volumes. In our AI customer analytics product, Ipiphany, we see common trends coming through. 

The following is a generalised high-level snapshot collated from publicly available data that you may find of interest:

1. The top negatives according to customers about staff:

2. Top issues related to risk in process and policy:

3. Top issues related to payments and billing:


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