MX Release 6

MX Release 6

We’ve released a series of enhancements to TouchpointMX that will improve the way you create, test, and send emails - these improvements are outlined below:

Preheader field

The preheader displays below the subject line of an email in your customer’s inbox. We’ve included a field for easy management of your preheader without the need to modify the HTML.

MX pre-header field

Please note: In most cases, any preheader defined in HTML (via Code) from an email you’ve already created will be overridden by the text defined via the new preheader field.

IMPORTANT: If you are using a template, please refrain from using the defined preheader section in the template and only use the new textbox to avoid any spacing issues appearing for you before a preheader text.

Image size restrictions for email attachments

As mobile continues to be a major priority for users opening emails on the go, we have implemented size restrictions on any email sent from Touchpoint Server to save customers’ mobile data and ensure that images are loaded quickly. The following updates have been made:

  • Any image added to the email (and hosted on Touchpoint Server) cannot be larger than 1 MB
  • The combined total images size cannot be larger than 2 MB.
  • The combined total size for attachments cannot be larger than 3 MB
  • The above sizes are default and configurable, so if your requirements change we can accommodate them.

This update will not impact any already scheduled messages; however, modifying an email in draft will enable these restrictions.

We can’t determine the size of images added to emails hosted elsewhere, but the best practice recommendation is to follow the sizing guidelines outlined above.

Additional checks and warnings for error messages

We’ve implemented some additional checks to cover common mistakes and display warning messages clearly on the screen where an email is posted or scheduled. This makes it easier for you to ensure that your email is correctly configured.

MX Warning

Please note: Old messages with an existing targeting may show warning or error messages.

Naming clarity for test messages

We have implemented an automatic prefix for message tests: Any test message sent will have the prefix “Test” appended to the subject line.

Please note: When testing, you will always see a [Test] prefix in the subject. This may mean that some characters from the preheader are hidden. This will not impact the characters in the final message.

This prepended [TEST] copy will NOT appear when this message is deployed live, only when using the TEST functionality within MX.
